DeBusk Family Club – Youth of the Month – September
September 21, 2020
Loudon County Club – Youth of the Month – September
September 21, 2020
“I’m really happy that I have Miss McKenzie as my tutor,” says 6 year-old Volken, a member of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley – N. Anderson County Club. “This past summer, she helped me with all my school work, so I wouldn’t fall too far behind. It was a big help to have her work with me on my math, because that’s a little hard for me. She also helped me with my writing.
Me and my friends like to go out on the playground when we’re not studying. Our favorite things to do are to play four square and go down the slide! At home I’m teaching my dog how to sit, drop the ball, and fetch. He’s a big German Shepherd dog and is pretty smart.”