May 2, 2018
April 7, 2020
Thank you Ross Dress for Less for your continued support of our Clubs. We truly appreciate it! And thank you to our community for supporting our […]
October 30, 2020
On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, Steve Markman presented a check for $2,750 to Bridget Jones, Director of Development & Corporate Events for Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley. The check was […]
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- arts and crafts
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- BE GREAT: Graduate
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- Bill Haslam
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- Black History Month Art Competition
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- Boys & Girls Clubs of Tennessee
- Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley
- Boys & Girls Clubs Week
- Boys & Girls Clubs’ Chaplain Corps
- Boys & Grils Clubs of the Tennessee Valley
- Boys and Girls Club of the Tennessee Valley
- Boys and Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley
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- Covenant Health
- Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon
- COVID-19 pandemic
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- Crawford Hovis
- creativity
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- dance class
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- DeBusk Family Club
- design
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- Diamond Love
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dine out to donate
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- donations
- Donna Dempster
- Dr. Seuss
- drawing
- drawings
- dreams
- East Tennessee Foundation
- Easter
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- educational enrichment activities
- effort
- Electronic Display Fund Drive
- Eli Mayes
- Emerald Academy
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- emotional wellness
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- essay
- essential workers
- etiquette
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- experiments
- extended hours
- field trips
- film
- filmmaking
- fire fighter
- firefighter
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- FirstBank
- fitness
- Florida State University
- food
- Food City
- Food City 100th Anniversary Charity Challenge
- Food City Charity Challenge
- food distribution events
- Food for Thought program
- foosball
- Fort Craig Club
- Four-Star Charity
- free haircuts
- French
- Fresh Films Camp
- FreshFilms
- friends
- fruits
- full time
- fun
- fundraiser
- Fundraising
- game
- games
- Gap
- Gap Factory Stores
- Gap Outlet Store
- garden
- gardening
- Gardening Club
- Gardening Clubs
- Gary Taft
- geometry
- Gift of Hope
- Gift of Hope 2018
- Gift of Hope Luncheon
- good character
- good citizenship
- good friends
- good health
- good sportsmanship
- grant
- grant application
- graphic design
- Greater Knoxville Sports Hall of Fame
- Green Magnet Academy
- Guy Marshall
- gym
- Halls Elementary School
- Halls/ Powell Club
- hard worker
- Harrison McCollum
- Haslam Family Club University
- Haslam University
- health
- health & wellness
- healthy cooking
- healthy cooking classes
- healthy eating
- Healthy Habits Nutrition Program
- Healthy Habits Nutrition Program and Cooking Club
- healthy lifestyles
- healthy meals
- healthy snacks
- helper
- hiking
- hiring
- Home design
- homework
- homework assistance
- homework help
- honor roll
- horseback riding
- hot lunch
- Humana
- I Am BGC Podcast
- improvements
- Inaugural Irwin Food City Crappie Fishing Tournament
- innovation
- internships
- interpersonal skills
- iPads
- Irwin Food City Bass Fishing Tournament
- Irwin Food City Bass Tournament
- Jason’s Deli
- Jeff Jarnigan
- Jim Clark
- job fair
- job skills
- jobs
- John Dempster
- JoRissah Wright
- Joy in Childhood Foundation
- Judge Tim Irwin
- Junior Staff
- K-12 science
- Kelsey Conley
- Kelsey's Woods
- Keystone Club
- kickball
- kind
- kindness
- Knox County
- Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett
- Knox County Sheriff's Office
- Knoxville
- Knoxville Inner City Kids Outreach
- Knoxville Track Club
- Kroger
- Lake City Club
- Laptop Adventure Program
- laptops
- Larry Hawk
- lawyer
- leader
- leadership
- Leah Crandell
- learning
- legacy
- legos
- Lenoir City
- Life Skills Mentoring
- Life Skills Mentoring program
- lifeskills
- literacy
- Local 8
- Local 8 News
- Local 8 Now
- local ecosystem
- Loudon County
- Lowe's
- Lowe's Renovation Across America
- lunch
- Mae Jemison
- Major Gifts Officer
- MamaJam Promotions
- marathons
- Marc Nelson
- marine biology
- Markman's
- Markmans Diamonds and Fine Jewelry
- Marvin Feezell
- math
- Matt Brookshire
- Maya Angelou
- Memphis Grizzles
- mentor
- Michael McBrien
- Michaels
- Middlebrook Club
- Mike Capps
- Mike Edwards
- Miles for Smiles
- Miss Carrie
- Miss ERin
- Moe's Original Bar B Que
- Montgomery Village
- Montgomery Village Club
- Mooreland Heights Elementary
- Mr. Brent
- music
- music lessons
- musical
- Nathan Waddell
- National Baseball Hall of Fame
- National Hispanic Heritage Month
- National League Batting Champion
- National League MVP
- Neighborhood Builders
- new Club
- NewME
- nice
- No Kid Hungry
- No Kid Hungry Campaign
- North Anderson County
- North Clinton Elementary
- North Ridge Crossing
- Northridge Crossing
- now hiring
- nurse
- Nursing
- nutritious snacks
- Open the Vault Event
- opening soon
- Our Future campaign
- Our Kids
- painting
- Pale Root
- Papa John's Foundation
- Papa John's of Knoxville
- part time
- part-time job
- Passport to Manhood
- PBS kids
- Pellissippi State Community College
- perform
- Philanthropic Investment Group
- picnics
- Pilot
- Pilot Company
- Planet Fitness
- planned gift
- Planned Giving
- plants
- playground
- pool
- positive behavior
- post-secondary education
- Power Hour
- powerhour
- powerlifting
- Pre-K
- pre-k programming
- problem-solving
- Professional football player
- public notice
- puzzles
- race
- rap
- RCN Technologies
- reading
- reading skills
- Regal Entertainment Group Teen Center
- Regal Teen Center
- renovations
- respect
- retiring
- Richard L. Bean
- Rick Barnes
- right angles
- rock wall
- role model
- rollover your IRA
- Rookie Readers
- Ross Dress For Less
- Rotary Club of Knoxville
- rules
- running
- safe
- safe space
- safety
- safety cones
- Sam Beall
- Sam Furrow
- Sara Park
- Scholars with Achievable Goals (SWAG) Youth Leadership Academy
- scholarship
- school
- school supplies
- school work
- science
- self improvement
- senior technology executive
- sewing
- Share Our Strength
- sharks and minnows
- Shauna Ode
- Show your love fashion show
- sing
- singing
- skills
- small robotics kits
- Smoky Mountains
- Smoky Mountains National Park
- snacks
- soccer
- social health
- social studies
- Sounds of Summer
- South Doyle High School
- South Knoxville Elementary
- SouthEast Bank
- Sponsorship Committee
- sports
- sports announcer
- sportsmanship
- squats
- Sr. Foundation
- stage
- State of the Clubs Address
- STEM education
- Steve Markman
- stock
- stock gifts
- Streamlytics
- Strong Women Strong Futures
- stronger
- student investment group
- student of the month
- subtracting
- summer
- Summer Brain Gain
- Summer Breakfast Program
- Summer Food Program
- summer job
- summer learning
- summer learning loss
- summer programs
- support
- tablets
- Taco Bell
- Taco Bell Foundation
- Taco Bell Foundation for Teens
- Target
- Target Circle
- tax benefits
- tax savings
- tcreative
- teacher
- teachers
- team
- teammates
- teamwork
- tech
- tech lab
- technical training
- technical training camps
- technology
- Teen Night Dinner
- teen room
- teens
- television
- Tellico Canal Ramp
- Tellico Community Foundation
- Tennessee Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant
- Tennessee School of Beauty
- Tennessee Tech
- Tennessee Theatre
- Tennessee Tutoring Corps
- Tennessee Valley Fair
- thank you
- The Good Neighbors Shoppe
- The Hartford
- The Pinnacle at Turkey Creek
- The Summer Breakfast Program
- The Vault
- theater
- therapist
- Three Star Revival
- Thurgood Marshall
- Toyota
- Tremont
- Truist
- Turkey Creek
- tutor
- tutoring
- tv
- TVA Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation
- U.S. Cellular
- University of Phoenix
- University of Tennessee
- UScellular
- USDA meals
- UT
- Vaden "Papa Vay" Landers
- Variety of Eastern Tennessee
- vegetables
- Vestal Club
- vet
- Vice President of Volunteer Services
- Victor Ashe Park
- virtual learning
- Virtual Learning Club
- virtual run
- volunteer
- volunteer support
- volunteering
- volunteers
- walking
- Walter P. Taylor
- Walter P. Taylor Club
- watermelon fan
- We change lives and can prove it
- web
- Webb High School Philanthropy Club
- Webb School of Knoxville
- weight lifting
- Welding
- well-being
- Western Heights
- women
- Women’s Fund of East Tennessee
- words
- work ethic
- Workforce Development
- write
- writing
- Y-12 FCU Gives Foundation
- Y-12 Federal Credit Union
- Y-12 Federal Credit Union Gives Foundation
- year end gift
- yesforless
- youth advocacy
- youth arts
- Youth Arts Initiative
- youth arts month
- Youth of the Month
- Youth of the Year
- YouthForce
- YouthForce University
- Zero Hunger Zero Waste
- zerohungerzerowaste
- Zoes Kitchen
May 2, 2018
April 7, 2020
Thank you Ross Dress for Less for your continued support of our Clubs. We truly appreciate it! And thank you to our community for supporting our […]
October 30, 2020
On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, Steve Markman presented a check for $2,750 to Bridget Jones, Director of Development & Corporate Events for Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley. The check was […]