May 2, 2018
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- All
- Back to School
- Events
- General
- I Am BGC Podcast
- News
- Planned Giving
- Press Releases
- Programs
- Public Notice
- Youth of the Month
- Youth of the Year
- All
- #wechangelivesandcanproveit
- 10k
- 2017 Tennessee State Youth of the Year
- 2019 Hall of Fame Inductee
- 501(c)(3) organization
- 5k
- 75th anniversary
- 75th Anniversary Gala
- A night with our stars
- Aaron Douglas Music Room
- Academic Enrichment
- academic programs
- academic success
- academics
- acting
- activities
- Adeem the Artist
- African-American icons
- after school programs
- Air Force
- Alan Williams
- Alumni
- Anderson County
- Angela Benton
- Arby's Foundation
- Architect
- Arconic Foundation
- art
- art contest
- art room
- arts
- arts & crafts
- arts and crafts
- arts and social studies
- Arts Education Program
- arts room
- awards
- back to school
- back to shcool
- Back2School
- backpacks
- Bank of America
- Barberitos
- Barry Gordo
- baseball
- basketball
- BE GREAT: Graduate
- bench press
- Big Kahuna wing Festival
- Bill and Crissy Haslam Foundation
- Bill Haslam
- bingo
- Black History Month
- Black History Month Art Competition
- Black STEM icons
- Blackberry Farm
- Blount County
- board games
- books
- Boys & Girls Club of Loudon County
- Boys & Girls Club of N. Anderson County
- Boys & Girls Clubs
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America National Conference
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Tennessee
- Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley
- Boys & Girls Clubs Week
- Boys & Girls Clubs’ Chaplain Corps
- Boys & Grils Clubs of the Tennessee Valley
- Boys and Girls Club of the Tennessee Valley
- Boys and Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley
- Brain Jogging
- breakfast
- Brian Jogging
- Broadway
- Buffalo Wild Wings
- bugs
- building physics
- cademic advances
- Cal Ripken
- Campbell County
- career
- career development activities
- Career Launch
- careers
- Catalyst for Change
- cats
- Champion for Youth
- Changing Her Story Scholarship Contest
- changing lives
- charitable deduction
- charitable giving
- Charity Navigator
- checkers
- cheer
- chef
- Chipotle
- Chipper Jones
- Claiborne County
- Claudette Colvin
- clay
- Clayton Pangle
- clean up
- climbing wall
- Clinton Elementary Club
- Club kids
- Club STEM
- Coach Chip
- coding games
- college
- College & Career Access Programs
- College & Career Expo
- College and Career Centers
- College and Career Readiness Program
- college applications
- college basketball
- collge students
- coloring
- community
- Community Day
- community partner
- community partners
- community service
- computer
- computers
- confidence
- construction
- contributions
- cook
- cooking
- Cooking Club
- COOL math
- Corporate Board of Directors
- Covenant Health
- Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon
- COVID-19 pandemic
- crafts
- Crappie Classic
- Crawford Hovis
- creativity
- Criminal Justice
- culinary class
- customer service skills
- dance
- dance class
- dancing
- dead lifts
- DeBusk Facility
- DeBusk Family Club
- design
- development
- Diamond Love
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dine out to donate
- Disney
- dogs
- dolphins
- donation
- donations
- Donna Dempster
- Dr. Seuss
- drawing
- drawings
- dreams
- East Tennessee Foundation
- Easter
- education
- educational enrichment activities
- effort
- Electronic Display Fund Drive
- Eli Mayes
- Emerald Academy
- emotional health
- emotional wellness
- employment training
- engineering
- Entrepreneurship Camp
- environmental health
- Ernie Brooks
- essay
- essential workers
- etiquette
- Executive Director
- experiments
- extended hours
- field trips
- film
- filmmaking
- fire fighter
- firefighter
- First Horizon
- FirstBank
- fitness
- Florida State University
- food
- Food City
- Food City 100th Anniversary Charity Challenge
- Food City Charity Challenge
- food distribution events
- Food for Thought program
- foosball
- Fort Craig Club
- Four-Star Charity
- free haircuts
- French
- Fresh Films Camp
- FreshFilms
- friends
- fruits
- full time
- fun
- fundraiser
- Fundraising
- game
- games
- Gap
- Gap Factory Stores
- Gap Outlet Store
- garden
- gardening
- Gardening Club
- Gardening Clubs
- Gary Taft
- geometry
- Gift of Hope
- Gift of Hope 2018
- Gift of Hope Luncheon
- good character
- good citizenship
- good friends
- good health
- good sportsmanship
- grant
- grant application
- graphic design
- Greater Knoxville Sports Hall of Fame
- Green Magnet Academy
- Guy Marshall
- gym
- Halls Elementary School
- Halls/ Powell Club
- hard worker
- Harrison McCollum
- Haslam Family Club University
- Haslam University
- health
- health & wellness
- healthy cooking
- healthy cooking classes
- healthy eating
- Healthy Habits Nutrition Program
- Healthy Habits Nutrition Program and Cooking Club
- healthy lifestyles
- healthy meals
- healthy snacks
- helper
- hiking
- hiring
- Home design
- homework
- homework assistance
- homework help
- honor roll
- horseback riding
- hot lunch
- Humana
- I Am BGC Podcast
- improvements
- Inaugural Irwin Food City Crappie Fishing Tournament
- innovation
- internships
- interpersonal skills
- iPads
- Irwin Food City Bass Fishing Tournament
- Irwin Food City Bass Tournament
- Jason’s Deli
- Jeff Jarnigan
- Jim Clark
- job fair
- job skills
- jobs
- John Dempster
- JoRissah Wright
- Joy in Childhood Foundation
- Judge Tim Irwin
- Junior Staff
- K-12 science
- Kelsey Conley
- Kelsey's Woods
- Keystone Club
- kickball
- kind
- kindness
- Knox County
- Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett
- Knox County Sheriff's Office
- Knoxville
- Knoxville Inner City Kids Outreach
- Knoxville Track Club
- Kroger
- Lake City Club
- Laptop Adventure Program
- laptops
- Larry Hawk
- lawyer
- leader
- leadership
- Leah Crandell
- learning
- legacy
- legos
- Lenoir City
- Life Skills Mentoring
- Life Skills Mentoring program
- lifeskills
- literacy
- Local 8
- Local 8 News
- Local 8 Now
- local ecosystem
- Loudon County
- Lowe's
- Lowe's Renovation Across America
- lunch
- Mae Jemison
- Major Gifts Officer
- MamaJam Promotions
- marathons
- Marc Nelson
- marine biology
- Markman's
- Markmans Diamonds and Fine Jewelry
- Marvin Feezell
- math
- Matt Brookshire
- Maya Angelou
- Memphis Grizzles
- mentor
- Michael McBrien
- Michaels
- Middlebrook Club
- Mike Capps
- Mike Edwards
- Miles for Smiles
- Miss Carrie
- Miss ERin
- Moe's Original Bar B Que
- Montgomery Village
- Montgomery Village Club
- Mooreland Heights Elementary
- Mr. Brent
- music
- music lessons
- musical
- Nathan Waddell
- National Baseball Hall of Fame
- National Hispanic Heritage Month
- National League Batting Champion
- National League MVP
- Neighborhood Builders
- new Club
- NewME
- nice
- No Kid Hungry
- No Kid Hungry Campaign
- North Anderson County
- North Clinton Elementary
- North Ridge Crossing
- Northridge Crossing
- now hiring
- nurse
- Nursing
- nutritious snacks
- Open the Vault Event
- opening soon
- Our Future campaign
- Our Kids
- painting
- Pale Root
- Papa John's Foundation
- Papa John's of Knoxville
- part time
- part-time job
- Passport to Manhood
- PBS kids
- Pellissippi State Community College
- perform
- Philanthropic Investment Group
- picnics
- Pilot
- Pilot Company
- Planet Fitness
- planned gift
- Planned Giving
- plants
- playground
- pool
- positive behavior
- post-secondary education
- Power Hour
- powerhour
- powerlifting
- Pre-K
- pre-k programming
- problem-solving
- Professional football player
- public notice
- puzzles
- race
- rap
- RCN Technologies
- reading
- reading skills
- Regal Entertainment Group Teen Center
- Regal Teen Center
- renovations
- respect
- retiring
- Richard L. Bean
- Rick Barnes
- right angles
- rock wall
- role model
- rollover your IRA
- Rookie Readers
- Ross Dress For Less
- Rotary Club of Knoxville
- rules
- running
- safe
- safe space
- safety
- safety cones
- Sam Beall
- Sam Furrow
- Sara Park
- Scholars with Achievable Goals (SWAG) Youth Leadership Academy
- scholarship
- school
- school supplies
- school work
- science
- self improvement
- senior technology executive
- sewing
- Share Our Strength
- sharks and minnows
- Shauna Ode
- Show your love fashion show
- sing
- singing
- skills
- small robotics kits
- Smoky Mountains
- Smoky Mountains National Park
- snacks
- soccer
- social health
- social studies
- Sounds of Summer
- South Doyle High School
- South Knoxville Elementary
- SouthEast Bank
- Sponsorship Committee
- sports
- sports announcer
- sportsmanship
- squats
- Sr. Foundation
- stage
- State of the Clubs Address
- STEM education
- Steve Markman
- stock
- stock gifts
- Streamlytics
- Strong Women Strong Futures
- stronger
- student investment group
- student of the month
- subtracting
- summer
- Summer Brain Gain
- Summer Breakfast Program
- Summer Food Program
- summer job
- summer learning
- summer learning loss
- summer programs
- support
- tablets
- Taco Bell
- Taco Bell Foundation
- Taco Bell Foundation for Teens
- Target
- Target Circle
- tax benefits
- tax savings
- tcreative
- teacher
- teachers
- team
- teammates
- teamwork
- tech
- tech lab
- technical training
- technical training camps
- technology
- Teen Night Dinner
- teen room
- teens
- television
- Tellico Canal Ramp
- Tellico Community Foundation
- Tennessee Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant
- Tennessee School of Beauty
- Tennessee Tech
- Tennessee Theatre
- Tennessee Tutoring Corps
- Tennessee Valley Fair
- thank you
- The Good Neighbors Shoppe
- The Hartford
- The Pinnacle at Turkey Creek
- The Summer Breakfast Program
- The Vault
- theater
- therapist
- Three Star Revival
- Thurgood Marshall
- Toyota
- Tremont
- Truist
- Turkey Creek
- tutor
- tutoring
- tv
- TVA Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation
- U.S. Cellular
- University of Phoenix
- University of Tennessee
- UScellular
- USDA meals
- UT
- Vaden "Papa Vay" Landers
- Variety of Eastern Tennessee
- vegetables
- Vestal Club
- vet
- Vice President of Volunteer Services
- Victor Ashe Park
- virtual learning
- Virtual Learning Club
- virtual run
- volunteer
- volunteer support
- volunteering
- volunteers
- walking
- Walter P. Taylor
- Walter P. Taylor Club
- watermelon fan
- We change lives and can prove it
- web
- Webb High School Philanthropy Club
- Webb School of Knoxville
- weight lifting
- Welding
- well-being
- Western Heights
- women
- Women’s Fund of East Tennessee
- words
- work ethic
- Workforce Development
- write
- writing
- Y-12 FCU Gives Foundation
- Y-12 Federal Credit Union
- Y-12 Federal Credit Union Gives Foundation
- year end gift
- yesforless
- youth advocacy
- youth arts
- Youth Arts Initiative
- youth arts month
- Youth of the Month
- Youth of the Year
- YouthForce
- YouthForce University
- Zero Hunger Zero Waste
- zerohungerzerowaste
- Zoes Kitchen
May 2, 2018