Diamond Love’s Gift of Hope Speech, 2017
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Casting a line could win some lucky fishermen cash prizes while helping thousands of underserved youth in the Knox, Blount, Loudon and North Anderson counties.
Two fishing tournaments are set for the first weekend in May, and all proceeds benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley.
The 29th Annual Irwin Food City Bass Fishing Tournament begins at first light on Saturday, May 6 at the Tellico Canal Ramp in Lenoir City. Weigh in is at 3 p.m. Fishermen will compete for a $10,000 grand prize. Food will be provided by Calhoun’s and Food City. Entry fee per two-man boat is $225. Register at www.foodcityfishing.com.
The Inaugural Irwin Food City Crappie Fishing Tournament casts off at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 7 at the Tellico Canal Ramp in Lenoir City. Weigh in is at 3:30 p.m. A $5,000 grand prize is guaranteed for 100 boats registered. Boats can hold . Food will be provided by Calhoun’s and Food City. Entry fee is $100 per boat. Maximum of three fishermen per boat, and one fisherman must be age 16 or younger.
“These tournaments are a fun way for fishermen to support the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley and help more than 7,200 young people in the communities we serve reach their full potential,” says Bart McFadden, president and CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley.
Register for either Irwin Food City fishing tournament at www.foodcityfishing.com.