Staff Leadership Team

Bart McFadden

President & CEO


Joined the movement: 1985 – as a Club member

Experience: Club member, Club Director (Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Spartanburg), Senior Service Director (Walt Disney World Boys & Girls Club), Area Director (Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida), Senior Unit Director (Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada), Executive Director (Boys & Girls Clubs of West Georgia)

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: Boys & Girls Clubs leverage researched best practices and equip committed, caring staff to implement them with kids in a relationship based way to ensure every kid has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Melissa Birkholz

Chief Financial Officer


Joined the movement: 2020

Experience: 25 years of career progression at Scripps Networks Interactive/Discovery, Inc. – most recently VP, Global Content Accounting

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: Although I am not on the front lines with our kids on a daily basis, I have a strong passion for the mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley and am blessed with the opportunity to provide administrative support to such an amazing team of professionals throughout the organization. Every day I am challenged, both personally and professionally, to look for ways to serve and support the mission, even if it’s just a warm smile and a “hello” to kids and their caregivers as I enter and leave the building. I am honored to be part of this team!

Markus Jackson

Chief Operating Officer


Joined the movement: 1994

Experience: Education Director, Program Director, Club Director, Area Director, and Director Organizational Development (Boys & Girls Clubs of America)

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: Boys & Girls Clubs is the vessel that allows me to strategically impact the lives of kids that need it the most by providing caring adults, coupled with programs and services that pave the way for a bright future.

Joy Wilson

Chief Human Resources Officer


Joined the Movement: 2024

Experience:  Over 20 years of experience in the Leadership, Human Resources, and Talent Development profession at ORNL Federal Credit Union as a Chief Officer and Director of Learning, Engagement, and Development for Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?:  Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley has an intentional and purposeful presence in our communities. Our organization reaches out to children and their families through the critical tenets of love, development, support, caring, and showing up consistently.  Our communities are stronger when we recognize every child deserves a better tomorrow and Boys & Girls Clubs practice this every day through caring leaders and programs.

Kira Jones

Regional Services Director


Joined the movement: 2007

Experience: Volunteer, Teen Director, Facility Director, Assistant Executive Director, and Executive Director

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: After moving to Knoxville and volunteering at the Caswell Boys & Girls Club, I fell in love with this organization and the mission. I know that each day I put my all into what I love doing, and hope to provide a positive impact in a Club member’s life. I had many positive role models growing up, so just being able to have the same affect in someone’s life is inspiring.

Kierra Jones

Vice President of Program Services


Joined the movement: 2012

Experience: Education Director, Club Director, and Director of Community Schools

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: Growing up I always wanted to be a teacher, but found it difficult to decide what grade level and subject I wanted to teach. I was eager to work with youth of all ages and teach them a variety of skills and subjects. During my final year of college, I began working for Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley and realized it was the perfect fit! It allowed me to serve youth, of all ages, in a way that brought me joy and purpose. Working for the Club always reminds me of the saying, “When you do what you love, it hardly feels like work.”

Naomi Asher

Chief Development Officer


Joined the Movement: 2024

Experience: 16 years of nonprofit executive management, serving as the Executive Director of CASA of the Tennessee Heartland and as the Executive Director of the United Way serving Anderson, Campbell, Morgan, and Scott Counties

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: I have seen the incredible work of the Clubs from several perspectives. At CASA I saw the continuity and support Clubs provided to foster kids. At United Way, I saw lives changed and the data to support the huge impact being made. As a foster mom, I see the love Club professionals pour into my kids, the safety they provide, and the incredible patience and grace they extend to kids living with extreme trauma and hurt. I am thrilled to be part of the BGCTNV family changing lives and making a brighter future, one kid at a time!

Dr. Polly Johnson

Director of Education & Workforce Development


Joined the movement: 2013

Experience: Youth Development Associate, 21st Century Learning Grant Tutor, and Director of Academic Outcomes

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: I’m passionate about ensuring that all young people have opportunities and experiences in support of their college and career goals of the future.

Matt Parnell

Vice President, Operations


Joined the movement: 2014

Experience: Club Fit Director, Program Director, and Club Director

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: Knowing that we have an opportunity to make a difference every day that we come to work is why I believe in the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley.

Hannah Harned

Regional Services Director

Joined the movement: 2007

Experience: Youth Development Associate, Youth Services Coordinator, and Program Director

Why Boys & Girls Clubs?: I have so much belief in our future and value working within a community of beloved people that share that same stance. Working for Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley has given me the opportunity to make a difference and be part of creating a lasting impact on our communities’ children.

Samantha Revell

Regional Services Director

Joined the Movement: 2021

Experience: More than 18 years in Early Childhood Education classrooms and management with the last 5 years being a Head Start Area Manager in Middle Tennessee.

Why Boys & Girls Club?: I love that Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley focuses on giving members safe and fun learning environments, as well as opportunities with amazing programs within our Clubs and our communities.

Board of Directors

Angelique Adams

Joined the board: 2021

Why: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley consistently delivers measurable results. They’ve figured out how to maximize our time, talent, and treasure to the benefit of the youth in our community.

Jim Alexander

Joined the board: 2008

Why: I am passionate about Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley because I feel that we help change our kids’ lives and we do so in a financially responsible way. Boys & Girls Clubs help create successful and productive citizens, which has a tremendous benefit on our community.

Robin Banks

Joined the Board: 2023

Why: There is no greater reward than to invest in the lives of young people….they deserve it. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is on a mission to truly make an impact in the lives of young people in our community. With leadership training, after-school programs, job training opportunities and more, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is empowering young adults with the skills necessary to be successful and productive members of our community. I believe in the mission and I am grateful for the opportunity to partner with an organization that has a passion and a heart to positively impact young people.

Kimberly Black

Joined the Board: 2023

Why: The Boys & Girls Club played a foundational role in my upbringing. I joined the Arlington, Texas branch around age eight. The experience helped me develop confidence, learn etiquette, and start preparing for college. I even won the coveted “Youth of the Year” award.

I am thankful for the opportunity to participate on the board of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley and give back to an organization that played a significant role in molding me into the adult I am today.

As an alumna of the organization, I understand the strong impact it has on families and communities. It provides a safe space for youth to explore opportunities, build character and become great human beings and outstanding citizens.

Brad Bower

Vice Chair of Operations

Joined the board: 2020

Why: The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley, which is to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens, truly resonates with me and what I believe. To be able to give back and be a part of such a great organization is incredibly rewarding.

Lauren Bowman

Joined the Board: 2023

Why: Now more than ever, children need a safe place to learn, play, and thrive. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley kids are surrounded with tools to enrich their lives academically, socially, and mentally. They graduate from the “blue doors” with confidence knowing they can and will be our future’s leaders.

Jerry Burnette

Chair - Board of Directors

Joined the board: 2021

Why: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley fills so many of our kids needs in a safe, structured, and positive environment. I have been involved with BGCTNV for many years and have seen firsthand what a tremendous difference it can and does make in a child’s life.

Peter “Doc” Claussen, Jr.

Vice Chair of Philanthropy

Joined the board: 2018

Why: I originally joined the board as a result of being asked by a friend. However, as I came to observe the efforts Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley puts forth for the at-risk youth in our area and the profound positive effects it has on their lives, I truly began to believe in and advance the mission. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is doing amazing things for our community and I want to do all I can to help.

Nathan Copeland

Joined the board: 2024

Why: Growing up in upper East Tennessee, I experienced firsthand, as a young boy, the powerful, positive impact that Boys & Girls Club has on youth lives. Today, as a father of two young children, I’m honored and privileged to have the opportunity to assist this great organization continue to make a difference and invest in the lives of the young people of the Tennessee Valley.

John Dempster

Joined the board: 1996

Why: We save lives!

Paul Duncan

Joined the board: 2024

Why: Although I did not grow up in Boys & Girls Club, having coaches, teachers and others in the community take interest in my success changed my life. Every child deserves an equal chance and Boys & Girls Club does an outstanding job filling that role. It goes without saying that they do this in a caring, safe environment that that is highly capable. I am honored to be able to serve and give back through this role.

Drew Everett

Co-Vice Chair of Administration

Joined the board: 2022

Why: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley provide opportunities for kids in our community to reach their full potential in a positive, nurturing environment.

Deric Frost

Joined the Board: 2024

Why: Because I believe there are few causes more important than improving the lives of our children. It is an honor to have the opportunity to enhance the happiness and health of our kids through Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley. Contributing to the tradition of making a lasting impact on the communities this great organization serves every day will serve to enrich my life as well.

Dr. Jody Goins

Joined the Board: 2023

Why: In my estimation, there is no greater responsibility than modeling, mentoring, guiding, and positively influencing the next generation of societal leaders. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is a pivotal vehicle for equipping and elevating our community’s youth to new heights. The privilege of serving on Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley Corporate Board of Directors provides me an opportunity to invest my time, energy, and talents into our most precious resource: our children.

Jeff Hagood

Joined the board: 2002

Why: We all need hope- something to look forward to. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is exactly that for so many children in our community…it’s a place of hope, and a place to look forward to.

Michelle Hardin

Joined the board: 2011

Why: I support Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley because this organization, better than any other, supports, nurtures, and develops at-risk children to earn their full potential. This organization understands the difficulties and challenges that co-exist with their environment and meets the needs of these well-deserving kids, who in turn, look to the Club for stability and a safe environment.

Terry Henley

Joined the board: 2021

Why: I believe that every child needs someone in their life who truly cares about them and serves as a positive role model. The staff at Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley do that for our members every day and have a profound impact on their lives.

Robert Hill

Joined the board: 2020

Why: The work of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is critical in our community. We strive to enhance learning and minimize food insecurity, while developing character and self-confidence amongst our members.

Dave Holladay

Joined the Board: 2023

Why: After attending the Gift of Hope breakfast in 2023, my eyes were opened to the great work Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is doing in our region. I knew I wanted to be a part of this organization in any way where I could be of service. Prior to joining the Board, I toured several of the Clubs and found an opportunity to volunteer at Lonsdale organizing soccer games once a week. I have been thoroughly impressed with the program there, and I see firsthand how the Club has impacted the character and development of these wonderful members. The work of the Club is having a truly generational impact, and I want to serve the staff, facilities, and programming any way I can.

Marcus Hilliard

Joined the board: 2021

Why: After having many positive role models in my life, I look to provide the same level of mentorship for the next generation of passionate young people. I strongly believe in the mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley and will do everything I can to further advance this mission.

Reico Hopewell

Joined the board: 2021

Why: I believe that every child needs an opportunity to access the resources within their community no matter their race, ethnicity, culture, religious upbringing, or socioeconomic situation. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley offers several opportunities for children to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially.

Judge Tim Irwin

Joined the board: 1995

Why: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley offers a safe haven for our area’s children. They get nutrition, academic assistance, and positive socialization. If they attend the Clubs regularly, they will not show up in my Court.

Tom Jensen

Joined the board: 2012

Why: I believe Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is in a unique position to change lives and communities we serve. By capturing at-risk and underserved kids early, we have the capacity to influence that specific child’s life by providing a safe environment to grow, with healthy nutrition, and educational support. Not only is this life impacted, the community now has a productive citizen who will contribute to the vitality of East Tennessee.

Drew Johnson

Joined the board: 2024

David Jones

Joined the movement: 2011

Why: There is this common misconception the Boys & Girls Clubs is just a safe place for kids after school. In reality, the organization is developing the next generation of leaders. This is especially evident in programs such as YouthForce, Keystone, and My.Future.

Renee Kelly

Joined the board: 2022

Why: As an educator and leader in our school district, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley matters to me because EVERY student should have EVERY opportunity to reach their personal and full potential as “productive, caring, and responsible citizens” in our community.

Tracy Lyash

Joined the board: 2020

Why: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is here to support our children: helping to create a safe and positive environment for our children to attend after school; assisting our children to grow academically; teaching them physical and health awareness; and creating a place where each child can accomplish and achieve their dream.

Chief Paul Noel

Joined the board: 2022

Katie Penny

Joined the board: 2024

Why: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is critical to helping develop our area’s children into productive, purposeful members of our community. When our area’s children are successful, it means a bright future for the Tennessee Valley!

Christy Phillips

Joined the board: 2014

Why: As Board Chair, I have been able to see firsthand the impact this organization has on not only the members, but also their families, and our communities. When COVID hit, we were the only organization in our community to keep our doors open for our kids and their families in our community. Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. Our staff are not just childcare workers. They become family members and life coaches. Their love, commitment, and compassion provide a safe haven mentally as well as physically for our kids. Every time I visit one of our Clubs, I am so proud of the work we are doing and wish that during my childhood I could have had the educational opportunities and programs that we provide to our kids.

Heath Shuler

Joined the board: 2023

Why: Our future is our children. We need to do all we can to help them succeed.

Mac Stalcup

Joined the Board: 1986

Why: As a former member of the old Caswell Boys Club, I know what the Clubs mean to our kids . The staff provide so many things our kids need: a place to feel safe, positive role models, in some cases the only hot meal a kid may have for the day, help with life skills, help with homework, a place that they feel loved. I could go on and on about what our Clubs provide, but the bottom line is our Clubs provide what all manner of kids in our community need and that is why I serve on the Board.

Rick Stimac

Joined the board: 2022

Why: It is truly a blessing to support the efforts of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley in the mission of enabling all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. I believe every young person needs and deserves a safe and reliable environment with positive influencers to succeed. It takes a village and I am committed to do my part.I joined the board in order to help the kids. Together, I believe we can brighten the future for the youth in our community.

Wes Stowers

Joined the board: 2016

Why: I joined the board to help enable young people throughout our community achieve their full potential, especially those who are underserved and most at risk.

Tracy Thompson

Co-Vice Chair of Administration

Joined the board: 2012

Why: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley is of paramount importance to the kids we serve. The caring, positive role models and the educational support play a significant role in leading our kids toward a bright future.

Tammy Wilson

Joined the board: 2022

Why: I attended the “Gift of Hope” fundraising breakfast at the BGCTNV Club in 2022 and was impressed by the services that we have available for our children in this community. The employees at the Club are so professional, talented, and caring. At the breakfast, I was able to see first-hand the capabilities of the children at the Club as they presented and performed for the attendees. You can feel the energy and good vibes when you walk in the door. In a world of so many uncertainties, this is the one place that offers an environment where a child can grow to be their best self and transform to a caring and productive young adult. I am honored to contribute and be part of the team!

Honorary Board Members

Allan Bartlett*
Jim Bush
Anna Hinds*
Pat Summitt*
Richard Isaac
Lea Earl Acuff*
George Armbrister*
Emmet P. “Buck” Vaughn*


Advisory Board Chairs

Phillip Tipton,
Blount County

Jeremiah Wampler,
Loudon County

Robin Hunley,
Anderson County

Jimmy Rodefer,
DeBusk Family Club

Rob Barger,
Claiborne County

Board of Trustees

Grant Boyd

Randy Boyd

Joan Cronan

Cindi DeBusk

Phillip Fulmer

Doug Haaland

Eric Hamilton

James A. Haslam II

Jacqueline Holdbrooks

Tony Hollin

Joe Hollingsworth, Jr.

Donna Johnston

Ronda Landsman

Amy Miles

Ellen ``Sis`` Mitchell

Dugan McLaughlin

Bill Myers, Jr.

Bunny Oakes III

Warren Payne

Rich Ray

Linda Vaughn

Russ Watkins

Henny Weissinger

Tim Williams

Chair - Board of Trustees

Dean Winegardner